ATTENTION: ABORIGINAL YOUTH – Theresa Warbus, Youth Engagement Worker for FVACFSS/MCFD is looking for Aboriginal Youth aged 14-24. The goal is to engaging young people in a positive way, hearing what they have to say, eliminating barriers to their participation, and supporting them to have a voice in service delivery while enhancing the development of their own cultural identity that … Read More

FVACFSS Announces Women’s Wellness Gathering in March!

FVACFSS is pleased to announce the Women’s Wellness Gathering will be taking place on March 25-26 at Camp Squeah, 27915 Trans Canada Highway, Hope BC. This two-day and one-night gathering in a confidential, safe environment is for Aboriginal women to build support systems and learn the importance of holistic self care.  Space is limited and will be first-come, first-served based … Read More

FVACFSS Annual Aboriginal Family Forum Workshops Announced!

The focus this year is strengthening families and targeted towards parents and caregivers. The forum will start with a keynote on day one by Chief Bruce Underwood and workshops include: •   Anger Management •   Anxiety With Youth •   Bannock Making •   Carving •   Child Development, Learning Through Play •   Dangers of Sexting, Internet Bullying and Social Media •   Halq’eméylem, A … Read More

FVACFSS Annual Aboriginal Family Forum

Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children and Family Services Society (FVACFSS)/ Xyolhemeylh is excited to announce our upcoming Family Forum, which will take place on February 25-26, 2014 at the Chilliwack Secondary School. The theme “Finding Your Way in Your Healing Journey” continues with a emphasis on strengthening families.  Stay tuned for more information about this event by signing up for our … Read More

New Access to Regional Services Starting Dec 6th!

We’re Changing New access to Regional Services CHILLIWACK, BC – Effective December 6, 2012, Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children and Family Services Society launches a new phone, fax, and toll-free line to two of our regional offices locations – Abbotsford and Langley.  We are also changing the way we receive requests for services or reports of Aboriginal child protection concerns. On … Read More