What We Do

Stó:lō Basket

In 2019 - 2020 we restructured our organization in order to create better outcomes for Indigenous children and families in the Fraser Valley. Thanks to additional funding from the federal government, we were able to fulfill a long held goal to provide specialized services for Stó:lō communities as well as hire more staff dedicated to strengthening families.

The Stó:lō service basket has two delegated teams and a family strengthening team. They serve the children and families from our 17 member communities. The teams also work closely with territory reps to provide supports to families where child safety is a concern. Their goal is to support building parental and extended family capacity wherever possible, and protection and guardianship services are provided when needed as well.

Our Stó:lō Services Team now have staff in Chowéthel, Xwchi:yó:m, Leq’a:mel, Sxwoyehá:lá, Shxwhá:y, and Ch’iyáqtel First Nations. We are pleased to report that it is producing the results we hoped for with less children leaving parental homes, and more out-of-care agreements.

We provide specific services to our Stó:lō communities and their members both in and out of community. We have child protection and family strengthening workers who work alongside and collaboratively with band representatives and families to solve and find solutions to community challenges.

We also have staff who develop cultural supports for families and assist in planning and participating in community-developed cultural events related to children and families. The focus is on a community-based, solution-focused approach that preserves family and culture by providing wraparound, holistic services.

This approach allows Indigenous peoples to choose their own solutions for the children and families in accordance with the Government of Canada’s Act Respecting First Nations, Inuit and Metis Children, Youth and Families that came into force on January 1, 2020.


General Therapy Service

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Sexual Abuse Intervention & Prevention Program

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FVACFSS operates in conjunction with 17 member communities.

Our Service Region
