Youth Vision and Voices Date and Location

The date and location for the Youth Visions and Voices featuring Mike Scott is now available!  On October 24th (beginning at 3:30PM) and October 25th (beginning at 11AM) we will be gathered at Yale Secondary, 34620 Old Yale Rd, Abbotsford. Youth Visions and Voices will capture the perspectives  of current and former youth and children in care  to give feedback, ideas  and suggestions … Read More

Gathering Our Wisdom

FVACFSS is pleased to present a best practice two-day forum in Aboriginal Social Wellness Work.  The forum will be held on May 27-28, 2014 and located at Squiala First Nation in Chilliwack, BC. The forum theme is: Momíyelhtel kw’es me xwe yeláwel ey te shxwelís ye stá:xwelhtset “Helping one another to create the best spirit for our children”. Keynote and … Read More


ATTENTION: ABORIGINAL YOUTH – Theresa Warbus, Youth Engagement Worker for FVACFSS/MCFD is looking for Aboriginal Youth aged 14-24. The goal is to engaging young people in a positive way, hearing what they have to say, eliminating barriers to their participation, and supporting them to have a voice in service delivery while enhancing the development of their own cultural identity that … Read More

FVACFSS Announces Women’s Wellness Gathering in March!

FVACFSS is pleased to announce the Women’s Wellness Gathering will be taking place on March 25-26 at Camp Squeah, 27915 Trans Canada Highway, Hope BC. This two-day and one-night gathering in a confidential, safe environment is for Aboriginal women to build support systems and learn the importance of holistic self care.  Space is limited and will be first-come, first-served based … Read More

FVACFSS Annual Aboriginal Family Forum Workshops Announced!

The focus this year is strengthening families and targeted towards parents and caregivers. The forum will start with a keynote on day one by Chief Bruce Underwood and workshops include: •   Anger Management •   Anxiety With Youth •   Bannock Making •   Carving •   Child Development, Learning Through Play •   Dangers of Sexting, Internet Bullying and Social Media •   Halq’eméylem, A … Read More

FVACFSS Annual Aboriginal Family Forum

Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children and Family Services Society (FVACFSS)/ Xyolhemeylh is excited to announce our upcoming Family Forum, which will take place on February 25-26, 2014 at the Chilliwack Secondary School. The theme “Finding Your Way in Your Healing Journey” continues with a emphasis on strengthening families.  Stay tuned for more information about this event by signing up for our … Read More

New Access to Regional Services Starting Dec 6th!

We’re Changing New access to Regional Services CHILLIWACK, BC – Effective December 6, 2012, Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children and Family Services Society launches a new phone, fax, and toll-free line to two of our regional offices locations – Abbotsford and Langley.  We are also changing the way we receive requests for services or reports of Aboriginal child protection concerns. On … Read More

Website Launch Announcement: Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children and Family Services Society launches new site

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CHILLIWACK, BC – Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children and Family Services Society (FVACFSS) is excited to announce the launch of their Web site, which goes live today, Friday 22nd June 2012 and is located at the address: The new site is divided into six main sections: ABOUT US, PROGRAMS & SERVICES, EVENTS, PUBLICATIONS & RESOURCES, CAREERS and … Read More