AGM & Board Nominations 2018

Board of Directors Nominations Meeting 2018

We currently have a vacancy on our Board of Directors. Nomination forms must be received by FVACFSS before 5 pm on Thursday, October 11 in order for the nominee to be eligible for the AGM Board election. For a nomination form and eligibility requirements, click here.

The Nomination Meeting will take place on October 11th from 5 to 7 pm at the Coast Hotel (45920 1st Ave) in Chilliwack and is open to all registered members of the Society. For more information please contact Jill Hammond at

Board Nomination Form

FVACFSS Annual General Meeting 2018

The FVACFSS’s AGM is October 24th from 5 to 8 pm at Tzeachten First Nation (45855 Promentary Road) in Chilliwack. In order to vote at the AGM you will require a valid FVACFSS membership card and must register at the AGM venue prior to 5pm.

For information on the AGM and to download a member application form, click here. For more information contact please Jill Hammond at

Membership Form