We Are Xyólheméylh

Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children and Family Services Society (FVACFSS) is British Columbia's largest fully delegated Indigenous child welfare agency providing culturally appropriate and holistic services through prevention, community development, and child welfare programs to Indigenous (status, non-status, in-community, out-of-community, Stó:lō and other First Nation, Inuit, and Métis) children, youth, and their families residing throughout the Fraser Valley. Approximately 90 per cent of the families we work with are out-of-community and over 33 per cent of the children, youth, and families we serve are Métis.

Our Xyólheméylh work family includes all 300+ staff, as well as caregiver support parents, Elder Advisory members, and our Board of Directors. We are guided in all our work by the wisdom of our Elders.

FVACFSS operates in conjunction with 17 member communities.

Our Service Region


Our Difference

We approach every situation with cultural respect and understanding, focusing on reuniting children with their families in a safe, timely manner. Our programs work to create strong cultural ties and reinforce identities for aboriginal families.

Our Mission

We honour and respect the unique cultures of families and communities as we work together with integrity and dignity to ensure the safety and well-being of Children.

Our Values

Through our H.E.A.R.T values, we approach every situation with:
Honour, Engage, Accountable, Respect, Trust

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Létsé mót té sqwálewel

“With a good mind, a good heart, and good feelings”